I first spotted a pot of random OPI shades sitting on the counter of one of the shops I was in whilst on holiday. My plan was to pick out clothes and makeup suitable for the upcoming Autumn season. Rooting around in the pot revealed this amazing shade. My first thought when I picked it up was that it made me think of pumpkin spice; the ultimate icon of Autumn.
The OPI website describes 'It's a Piazza Cake' as a persimmon shade, which I quite agree with, but it also is a little deeper. It's quite a deep burnt orange shade, the boldness of which is not everybody's cup of tea. However, it totally gets me in the mood for Autumn, with it's crisp fallen leaves and chilly weather.
'It's a Piazza Cake' is made of one of those OPI formulas that apply perfectly in two coats. I found there to be a little streakiness to my first layer, but the second covered it all up into one flat coat. What I enjoy most about this particular formula is that there is no shimmer or glitter to it. It make the perfect base for any Autumnal nail art.
However, Autumn is my thing! I love everything about it. 'It's a Piazza Cake' is just the perfect embodiment of my favourite season. I will definitely be reaching for this all the time as we go into the colder months.
Let me know what your favourite Autumn nail polish is? What do you always reach for come this time of year?
Louise x x
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