The second part of this years Halloween series. I kept flip-flopping between having this post focusing on either chocolate-caramel apples (!!) or halloween makeup. I get so much enjoyment out of halloween makeup so that greatly influenced my decision.
I decided to redo and update my previous attempt at kitty-cat halloween makeup. I have a bit more product to play around with this year (ok, well a lot more product) so I decided to see what I could do. The cat is an easy choice; who has never been a cat to a halloween party? It is always one of my top outfits, if not the top.
I created my 'cheetah' by applying my normal foundation routine the stippling some white facepaint over my lower forehead, nose, cheeks and upper lip. I used a deep warm bronzer to get some colour on my face. I brushed it along the outer edges of my forehead, my cheeks, chin and along the sides of my nose. I made sure that the transition from tan to white was a bit gradual (like you'd see on a cat). A really smokey brown eye with thick black 'cat eye' liner, and full lashes, make a really nice effect. I used a black grease paint to print cheetah marking all down one side of my face. If you have a side parting with quite a deep side fringe, then it will show up more on the opposite side. Black lips, nose and whiskers completed the makeup.
One thing I really wanted to try this year was to turn my hair into car ears, I mean, how fun does that sound. I found a video tutorial by Kayley Melissa on Youtube, which showed how to do it. It took me a while to tease and figure out how to secure my hair properly. I also cannot curl my hair so I just rolled my hair around two fingers and tucked it in a similar manner to the video.
I will always be a cat for Halloween!
Louise x x
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