These are my LIFESAVERS!!
When I'm in university for a long, grueling day, and it's been a while since I applied my make up, I find my face getting quite oily, especially in my T zone.
I bought theses at my local Home Bargains store, which for those who don't know, is a shop that sells brands for cheaper than regular retail price. I was looking in the beauty aisle, looking to burn some money when I spotted these. From reading lots of 'what's in my handbag' posts, I noticed that a lot of people carried oil blotting sheets. I decided there to get some and try them; it wasn't going to be a loss if they were no good. Two boxes were included in a pack, for like £0.79; BARGAIN!

Opening the box you can see that there are lots within one box. Each box is listed as having 50 sheets; I end up using 2-3 a day on my face (if I feel it needs it). There is a small sticky tab on the inside of the front flap which allows for a single sheet to be pulled out automatically; I have not found the need to use yet. The instructions tell you to swipe the plain side over ypur face, as it is the blotting side. Yet, the 'normal' side is so pretty with a floral, vine pattern on it.

Eeew, that's nasty. The blotting side turns a darker shade so that you don't unknowingly rub the oils back onto your face.
Overall, great product. It's definitely going to be a staple of my handbag now that I know about it. As it's so cheap I think I'll have to go and stock up :D
Louise x x
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