Oh my God!
Can we have a moment of appreciation for this fine specimen of beauty?
I have quite literally just placed myself on the waiting list for this at my local Debenhams store. I had heard about this last year form my cousin, who was so devastated that they had sold out before she could get herself one.
A couple of days ago I was casually browsing for Christmas goodies for my family and came across the advert on the Benefit website. My first thought was ‘I need me one of those badboys’, and my second was ‘OMG! £60? Not happening, look away now!’
So in the end I’ve decide to buy one as a sort or ‘pre-Christmas’ gift to myself (of-course). I’m 18th on the list and have to purchase it between the 1st and 2nd November, otherwise it will be sold on to the general public. It is a good thing because one of the makeup brands I have never branched into Is Benefit, and everyone seems to rave about it. It has a lot of variety so that will be a good way for me to try before I buy.
Look forward to the advent openings beginning from December 1st
Louise x x
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